Tuesday, September 27, 2011

teleportation to paris

why isn't teleportation a real thing??

I miss Paris.
and I think Paris misses me.

I went looking thru my pictures from last april when the hubby, friends and I went to visit my little brother who was studying in Paris.
it's a little picture heavy but how could i choose?
so just a few snippets of our time in Paris:



Monday, September 26, 2011

a present in the mail

This is the first time that I have lived in an apartment that is actually in a building. I love it but our doorbell is a little tricky and I can't quite work it...yet. My husband can but it's hard! So every time the door bell rings I have to run downstairs to let people in. I always wonder who it can be because not many people know where we live and I never order anything. But today it rang twice!
One for the census. 
for a present!

omg. an unexpected gift!
me likeee.

Our dear friend Larry sent us a book in thanks for a fun weekend that he had in the city with us.
So sweet!

He sent us this:


I need to remember how nice it is to send/receive unexpected gifts.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

weekend without hubby

This is the first weekend that hubby wasn't here so it was a littt-ttt-lle wierd. But it was good for my husband to have time to be at home, be lazy, not have to drive five hours to see me, and good for our little toyota.
we did skype alot though:
It's nice because we just skype but then do other things ( i blog and he watches football)
so it's kinda like we're hanging out.

The good thing was that I had tickets to a show at A.C.T (I did one of those groupon/living social deals and I scored four sets of tickets!).
 On Friday Jomar and I met up with one of our friends from way back when, Paul, and had a drink. It was alot of fun to catch up and it was weird to think...are we actually grownups? 
i'm not.
the view from where we were sitting:

me looking like i'm 5 and cheesy...

 I told Jomar I was going to post this...

Then off to see the play: Once in a Lifetime.

then I was bad and got a donut....

Saturday I met up with my brother and dad and we ate Japanese and then went and saw the new Ryan Gosling flick. 

I love you husband but I have major celebrity crush on Ryan Gosling.

Then on Sunday a little J-town and then I parted ways with everybody.

Caught a little live music on Union square.
Bought myself a little brie sandwich and an  Café au lait and had a little date with myself.

and I got a good start on my scarf.
loookit! I did more than purl and knit!
I will finish a project!
(I keep telling myself that)

Now I'm home planning my time back in humboldt next weekend!

I love being back in the city but it will be nice to be home and be surrounded by lots of friends.
just how i like it.

Happy Sunday!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

make this! ~Japanese cold noodle dish~

this is a comfort food for me.
It makes me think of summertime and being a kid.
My dad would make this especially during hot summers.
super easy to make.
I'm also feeling a little sick so it's comforting.
Japanese Cold Noodles.

you will need:
Memmi sauce. I know that some Safeways carry it and some asian food stores. Here are some places you can buy it from online. 

The noodles: somen japanese noodles

tomatoes~ i prefer canned because they come seasoned and sliced already because it's quick and that's how my dad made it :) ~
 2 or 3 eggs depending on how many people (one person per egg should do)
 I like to make extra for possible leftovers since the noodles are a breeze to make ~boil and slice them up when cooled~

 a couple of green onion stalks ~ slice them up!

So first get those noodles boiling. In that particular brand I use two bundles (good for two people and some leftovers).
These only take a few minutes to boil.
I test them just like I would spaghetti:)
Strain then put it in a bowl and put ice cubes in the bowl to start cooling it down.
If you have time do this at least an hour before so they get nice and cool.

I like to check them with my cute cooking chopsticks
from my friend Jackie went she went to Japan:)

I like to leave my Memmi Sauce in the fridge always so that it's always cold.
I put it in a measuring cup and actually measured it out this time! I usually just eyeball and taste it as I go.
It's supposed to be salty so you can always add water or more sauce for your liking.
I used 1/2 cup of memmi sauce and 1 1/2 cups cold water.

the  key is to have cold cold noodles and the cold memmi.
It's a cold dish:)

Ok! then you just assemble.
Noodles, memmi sauce (you don't really drink it after cause it's salty but I like to cover the noodles), add some toppings and voila!

My 2nd helping:)

p.s. remember you can always make the sauce with how much memmi you want annd you can always add different toppings!
