Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I'm excited for Halloween.
 I love dressing up with Kris because he kinda lets me dress him up with whatever:)

I looked thru my photo album to see our dress up photos and costumes I've made!

sonny and cher

I got you babe.

octomom and her babies 

the start of a bjork costume for erin

testing it out

the final project and with her sistah!

a sharpie (or weird unicorn)

sharpie head

jitter bean girlz

royal Tenenbaums party: Ari and Uzi

superhero party: supercat?

raggedy ann and raggedy andy!

madmen partyyy

isn't he adorable? 

our valentine's day prom at the purple house

Erin's Wizard of Oz costume: She was the house that killed the witch!

rainbow head!

Kris and I have a good idea of what to be this year!
if he lets me embarrass him more.
Can't wait to post pictures.


Becky said...

Your husband is a champ! I think Royal Tennebaums may be my fave.