I had such a perfect day with friends on Sunday.
We went and visited all of the Taylors at their home in Emeryville and had breakfast at their adorable home outside in the sunshine.
Annabelle and Issac showed me their overflowing garden, musical instruments, and how high they could jump from the mantel to the couch.
I pushed them on their swing outside and tried the tomatoes they picked for me. They recited bible verses in their sweet voices to us and my heart melted. This post is a little picture heavy. I just couldn't resist snapping away.
After breakfast we took a quick detour to a quaint yarn and fabric store, a verb for keeping warm, in Emeryville that Marybeth wanted to show us. Sigh. Someone teach me how to use my sewing machine. I learned how to knit and crochet mainly from Youtube but sewing is a tad bit harder. Oh the things I would sew!
yarnhair! |
We then headed off to the Alameda Antiques Fair. It was a beautiful day exploring treasures. Kris and I were good and only left with a new belt buckle, an old cookbook and a popsicle to help with the heat.
Afterwards we decided to go back with the Taylors and had a lovely dinner outside. Eating outside in the sunshine with friends is really a perfect thing to do. Two meals in one day! I was in heaven.
I was retaught how to play Yahtzee and won! I had big shoes to fill since Issac had gotten four yahtzees the night before. His seriousness when choosing what dice to play made me smile non-stop! I let the children use my instagram on phone and write our their adorable captions which made for some laughs.
Did I mention that Christmas music was played all day. If you know me, you know that Christmas music is my most favorite thing ever.
Thank you Taylors!
Thank you for this precious tribute, Kat! You and Kris are dearly loved by all things Taylor!! And you don't know quite how special you make a child feel, just by being you, Kat. xoxo
I'm so glad you're blogging again! And I want to have a day like this with you soon too :-)
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