Thursday, August 18, 2011

recently recently part 1

I have been working every day leading up to my departure to SF.  My husband is amazing and letting me be a full-time student so I felt that I should work as much as possible before school starts. It starts Monday! eep. I'm moving to the city this weekend and will most likely go to Japantown to go school shopping. I will probably end up working because I like to keep busy and meet new people. but we shall see...

Luckily I worked a few shorts shifts (I work at a coffee shop so early is early) so I was able to get off work and spend time with friends and take a nap or two...

we went exploring at an open house up the road from my in-laws. amazing. Very 70's and they didn't change one thing while they lived there. The owner was an architect and it's a 3 level house. 

dinner with the in-laws.
when we went to the fair
we bought a blackberry bbq sauce. yu-u-mmy. that was a "i'll remember" dinner.

yes. I had Sangria again. and when you scroll down you will see it again...
It's just so good. and it's such a fun place to chat and catch up.
I thought that it had a name...but when I looked it up it is just a tasting room for Robert Goodman wines. For now.
it's going to be a restaurant eventually as well.
mosey over here and scroll down to get the address and hours.

This first time (this week) was with my friend Katie and Joe. 
They are the cutest love birds and I love laughing with them. 

then a few hours with a favorite friend who has one of the sweetest babies. He has my heart and I love to see him smile! It makes me a sad to think I won't see him and his mama whenever I want.

I need to start packing and cleaning up this disaster of a room. We have been staying at our in-laws while we have been in transition.
Part two to come!

yes I dressed up like a superhero who is a cat.
