Monday, December 19, 2011

knitted wave blanket a.k.a I made something!

i actually finished a huge knitting project!
(pat on the back)

I am THE worst at finishing projects.
I almost want to show you my basket of yarn that has multiple unfinished little things.
it's a mess. 
and i think it ate one of my hairbrushes.
no joke.

one of my favorite couples had a baby and we threw them a little friend get-to-gether and I knit them a blanket.

two things I will share and you must do!
1. this pattern (looks complicated but it's so easy! I only do easy patterns. seriously.)
You can get the link Here : make sure you read the comments because the creator wrote out the pattern so it was easier. But if you make it I can give you pointers. I'm the worst knitter and I made this so you can too.

2. this strata recipe (easy peasy breakfasty brunch type of thing that was wonderful)

recipe and picture from smitten kitchen

the party was a success!
I don't really have pictures.
buuuut we created a little keepsake book for them.
Here are a few of the few pictures i did take

We used our mini instax camera and I bought colored vintage looking paper and made an instant book as the party went along.
So at the end of the party they had a book of mini pictures and little notes of love when they left.
It turned out so adorably adorable.
I'll try to get a picture.
pink mustaches were involved.

it was that good.

and their baby is too adorable.
Congrats to the Hasslers!



Samanthajo said...

Hey i would like some help with that knitted blanket you made! thanks=)

mekatsu mekatsu said...

yes yes yes!
I'm so sorry that I've neglected my blog and neglected this comment!
Let's do it.
Do you need help starting?


Anonymous said...

hey! its ok=)=)
can i use any other kind of yarn?
what kind did you use?
and did you change the pattern any??